
Welcome to Gamewiz. Our mission is to bring you the best news, information and advice coming through from the gaming industry. Our aim is to continually evolve our blog and keep you up to date with the latest goings on.



Each new GTA release tends to top the previous release, and perhaps the reason for this is because of the time it takes to release the game – usually 5 years. It adds pressure to the gaming industry and now every single game is expected to be an improvement upon the previous version.

Tomb Raider has made a triumphant return in 2014, and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition has proved to be one of the most popular games on next gen consoles so far, and one of the reasons behind this is because of the fact it has a significant following.

Graphics are completely different in terms of comparing Tomb Raider on the Xbox One to the Xbox 360, or the Playstation 3 to the Playstation 4. There’s no doubt that the price for games has rocketed over the last few years, and that’s because the quality of games today is significantly higher.

Today many have longer storylines, more options in terms of online gaming, and occasionally more characters to control – which is the case with Grand Theft Auto 5. Long-running sports games tend to do well each year in terms of sales, like FIFA and NBA, and a high number of sales are pretty much guaranteed each year, so long as notable improvements have been made.

It’s also important to note that not all games are based on storylines or sports, and games like Call of Duty tend to earn their sales from their online gaming features, and there are many more options out there when it comes to choosing games. The higher prices, however, could mean that gamers are weighting up their decisions a bit more than they did previously.


Best Simulation Games of all Time

Simulation games are one type of game that is extremely popular. They come in such a large variety that help you to feel as if you are doing what you have always dreamed of doing.


Are VR Games Worth the Money?

Virtual Reality gaming is becoming increasingly popular as time progresses. However, when it was first released people were wary of taking part in this new experience due to technical difficulties


Best Creative Games of all Time

Previously we have looked into the best car games of all time. Today, we are going to look into and discuss some of the best creative games of all times. The best games for sparking creativity in your mind.


Best Car Games of all Time

One of the most popular genres of games is surprisingly car games. With it seeming that people enjoy a game where they can drive around or race each other without a car in the world.